A Note About Events with Bentinho
Bentinho has steadily decreased the number of public events he hosts over the years. At the moment, no public events are scheduled, as all of his and his team’s efforts are currently geared towards providing a stellar and ongoing online training environment called No Limits Society.
Having tasted the power of an ongoing training platform and seeing how rapidly this uplevels and unifies the community, Bentinho currently only organizes in-person and online training events for those who have committed to be part of No Limits Society (NLS). The precision and cohesion of the NLS events, as well as the weekly zoom sessions, are much higher and more enjoyable to all participants than public events could ever be.
Those who subscribe to NLS are guided through an orientation month and are quickly caught up to speed with where NLS is as a whole. In this way, everyone who participates in the weekly calls and in-person projects and events is much more streamlined and on the same page than people who simply attend a weekend event.
In short, Bentinho no longer feels very excited about public events. It is possible that he may organize the occasional public event from time to time, but most of his efforts are now directed into developing NLS — a powerful, cohesive community based on learning and teaching, and anchored in our mission of Igniting Global Awakening.