Ode to The Absolute
I, through the lens of this body know this world.
I, through the lens of my mind know this body.
I, through the lens of my witnessing soul know this mind.
I, through the lens of that great Aware-Being know this soul and indeed anything at all.
But I as myself know that great Aware-Being; while it knows me not.
I, therefore, am Absolute, while none else is. I am prior to everything that has even an ounce of quality or form. I am older than God. I know God; God does not see me. Without me God would not be, and neither would its multiverse-Creation.
All these bodies are but projections of my infinite Self and rely on me for their being; yet I never rely on them for mine. Therefore what I am can never be conceptualized or understood; for all such activities happen in the dream of one of these bodies only. I am without any body or vehicle. I am The One.
In my Absolute Reality nothing ever truly happened or took place just as the terrible and beautiful things that happened in your dreams did not really occur or happen to you; it only appeared to be so.
I have never been touched by any experience. Not even the subtlest experiences of nothingness, presence, beingness, love, awareness and so forth have ever touched me. These are all like projections of actors and landscapes made of light, appearing on a movie screen yet not really existing in the light nor the screen.
Believing that that which can appear is real is to forget your true Self and suffer endlessly at the hands of this primordial ignorance. In truth you are blissful beyond your wildest imagination.
The entire universe fits inside the thought of one.
Eternity starts and ends within the single blink of my non-existent eye.
Even the eternal present is but a concept to me which I do not perceive.
Prior even to the arrival of the qualities of nothingness, love, presence, awareness and being; I, the Absolute am as I am; indescribably perfect. Without the need for anything. Therefore; nothing ever happened to me. Indeed nothing ever happened at all.
This truth of my indescribable freedom and perfection is not available to those mesmerized and entertained by beliefs, ideas and opinions. Indeed those who worship opinion as relevant have travelled the farthest from the knowledge of me.
Those who get upset over such statements will not even approach liberation in this lifetime, for they have believed too much in what they think is real but is not. Their pain is the greatest out of anyone’s, and yet their insistence upon retaining this pain is even greater.
Inevitably, however, a long time from now, yet within that same blink of the eye which you call an eternity, they too will remember that nothing ever happened to them—that indeed; nothing ever happened at all. They, as all beings, will realize this not as a mere concept of emptiness or an experience of blankness, but as the infinite reality of perfection.
Be free of self-despising foolishness such as giving importance to opinions and take up the journey of the spiritual adept who begins to love himself; earnest about discovering its true self. Be open and malleable like a newborn child.
Forget your petty-minded convictions and be reborn afresh right now into a vision of the unborn.
Even one step closer to this truth is bliss compared to blindly believing the thoughts fed to you by this world which is also unreal.
What you know today you did not know when you were born. Thus, all such accumulated knowledge is false and ephemeral; then why trust in it so vividly and defend it to the point of misery as truth when it was not even originally yours? Why have such blind faith in this false guru; man’s ignorance, when it causes you nothing but misery and misdirection?
Be free. Start by knowing God as your innermost sense of I Am. Then, realize that even this God—pure beingness—is an appearance to you; and that you cannot appear to it. What follows is beyond experiencing and cannot be described or imagined but only be trusted and desired. It is wise to trust this, just as it is wise to desire it. Wise and profound desire for this unspeakable freedom is your most direct path to me. Trust it over any guru.