Shifting Timelines - How to Use Your Attention in Challenging Times Like the Corona Lockdown
I’ve seen many people in my community and beyond wonder what narrative to believe about what’s going on in the world at the moment, and how to navigate the confusion.
Should you believe the mainstream media/governmental narrative (sorry, but these two cannot be accurately mentioned as two separate entities at this time), or should you believe narratives such as those disseminated by Q-anon and its community, or should you commit to the timeline as proposed or suggested by David Icke, or the one described by Corey Goode and/or David Wilcock, Bashar, etc.?
People have also been asking me with greater frequency what my particular vision of Earth’s immediate and long-term future is. Which ‘facts’ do I believe are most accurate, and on which ‘facts’ should people base their choices?
This article does not aim to provide you with ‘what is true and what is false’ because, as you’ll see later on in this article, that is completely malleable. In a sense everything can be accurate or true, depending on the reality it is based in. Rather, I intend to give you the tools and understanding required to empower yourself, to help you choose for yourself, and to navigate times like these with great joy, love, inner clarity and excitement in your heart. After all, you are the creator of your own reality.
How To Navigate Information And Use Your Attention
I want to respond to the urgent requests I feel in the hearts of many for clarity on how to navigate the information they are bombarded with, and how to most effectively utilize their free will and attention in these times in order to experience the best outcome and results.
What should you believe? Which reality is true? Whose voice should you follow or trust? Which future for humanity is most probable? Is it all set in stone or can we do something about it? Should you worry about what’s going on? Is the world’s lock-down, quarantine or mass-scale house arrest—for what statistically still seems to me to be a relatively harmless virus—an operation led by the white hats? Are major arrests of service-to-self oriented people in powerful positions taking place, using Covid-19 as the disguise or ruse needed to execute this global coup for the sake of humanity’s greater good? Or is it a further tightening of the noose by a cabal-ish group, or organization of groups, that is eager to take away as much of your individual power as possible? Are they, as David Icke refers to them, ‘the cult that runs the world’? Are your liberties being taken away? Should you act, rebel and fight, or sit down, accept and meditate? Should you fear and act (or not act), based in fear; or love and act (or not act), based in love? These are the types of questions I see popping up in people all around the world with great intensity.
Being a person with a following who has consciously shifted between several different timelines or probable versions of Earth over the past 10 years or so—shifting back and forth between them multiple times to get a taste of where each one is headed—I feel a duty to share a few understandings with those of lesser confidence in their own ability to choose their reality. Especially in the swirling time of chaos and different streams of information humanity finds itself in at the moment. I will attempt to give you a sense of how I would deal with this collective vibrational intersection if I were you.
A Swirling Vortex of Probabilities
From a vibrational, quantum mechanics, or consciousness-over-matter based perspective, we currently find ourselves in an amplified or unusually energized vibrational intersection point in space/time—a swirling vortex of probabilities, if you will. Nothing is certain and many different outcomes are probable/possible. How does one choose the most beneficial and aligned timeline or outcome?
In other words, a whole bunch of realities or paradigms that used to be entangled, seemingly static, linear, reliable, co-operative with one another, and co-existent within the same space/time reality are now being ripped apart from one another and have separated. Each of them is beginning to form its own experiential collective reality or timeline. Meaning, each of them is starting to stand on its own two feet, accumulating details, data, populous and collective agreements to further solidify as a complete, independent parallel reality.
If you are new to the concept of parallel realities, both from a spiritual as well as scientific point of view, you may find this article a bit too science-fictiony for your taste. I don’t blame you. However, it is my direct experience and conviction that there are many different, probable parallel realities for what most people currently believe is one solid, set reality or world. “It is the way it is, and something is either true or not true” is still a very popular understanding on this planet.
But what if there is no such thing as a solid, set reality? There is actually quite a bit of evidence, even in the scientific community, to suggest that the existence of parallel realities or universes is probable, and that consciousness has an effect on what manifests or appears as real and solid.
In addition to my perception that there are many parallel realities, it is also my experience that the world appears inside of consciousness, not the other way around, and that what we believe is ‘the world’ is actually a series of perceptions that lack an independent nature or reality.
Meaning, the world of form, shape, size, seeing, feeling, dimensions and experience or perception, has no basis other than consciousness—much like the dream world at night. The dream world has no basis other than mind, even though we experience it as if it exists independently from mind while we are dreaming. When we wake up, we realize that ‘the world’ we experienced in our dream state was just a series of perceptions or projections within mind, or consciousness, and that our minds were generating the entire experience of a body, a world, the senses, and the people we interacted with in our dream. But at the time of dreaming, it all presented itself as real, solid and ‘the way it really is’.
As a result of the view I hold—that the world exists as perception only and that it appears inside of, due to, and as dependent-on-consciousness—it naturally follows that the many levels of our consciousness, largely consisting of beliefs and agreements, will therefore dictate the perception (or as most call it, the ‘world’) we experience. In contrast, the more common view, the materialist’s view, is that the world is real, solid and set; that consciousness is born out of it and responds to ‘what is already independently and objectively real’.
Whether you lean more towards the matter-over-consciousness view of the world or the consciousness-over-matter view, I hope this article will empower you to feel more confident and clear regardless. Even if you don’t believe you are capable of shifting between parallel realities, you can still use this as a nice visualization to empower yourself during this time.
If you wish to gain a more precise understanding of how I see the nature of parallel realities, consciousness and perception, I recently released an hour-long talk on YouTube that takes you through it in a pretty deep and complete manner. Heads up—it contains some high-level teachings on the science of enlightenment and the deconstruction of our psychologically-produced experience of the world. So, take what resonates at this time and discard what does not. It is not a beginner’s talk.
Timeline Choices
A few of the people I presently find myself quarantined with watched the Brian Rose and David Icke interview on LondonReal. And although I personally enjoyed the interview, I felt the potential wobbles in vibrational or spiritual alignment that such information can generate in the susceptible and sensitive viewer. So, I felt compelled to share some reminders about the nature of different timelines to balance out the somewhat negative implications suggested, or the picture painted, throughout the first hour and 40 minutes of the David Icke interview.
This WhatsApp conversation (from April 8 2020) was in response to the David Icke interview on LondonReal: The Coronavirus Conspiracy: How Covid-19 Will Seize Your Rights & Destroy Our Economy.
See the video here while it’s still up:
The piece written below is a combination of the original text as I wrote it to my local group of people, and added clarifications addressing the readers of this article more in general.
Timeline choices!
Regarding the interview of David Icke on, I think he shares good information overall, which will hopefully allow many people presently plugged into ‘the system’ in a sleepwalking condition to learn to think for themselves and wake up to their blind dependence on structures that are not always set up with the best of intentions.
By example, the interview can teach you how to think for yourself. I do believe that the types of strategies Icke shared in this interview represent, to a degree, the deep state’s tactics and ruses in general, and I personally think he is on-point about a version of reality. However, the truth is that there are many timelines diverging from this station, or moment, or intersection in time/space.
This is how I would listen to David Icke’s information, and information of this type in general:
View it as a way to help you wake up to the type of thinking that has been going on behind the scenes—as a way to empower yourself to become less dependent or reliant upon the media and government—but without continuing to proliferate a negative vision into the future from now on.
Stay aware and mindful of such organized ruses and tactics, and see through the mass media messaging and psychological manipulation that has been part and parcel of the media’s efforts for decades and is still going on today. Catch and see through the psychological warfare or tactics that are potentially/probably being deployed in our collective in an organized fashion, yet do not let that drop your frequency into one of despair, victimization or hopelessness. Nobody has power over your state of being and your ability to create, choose, feel and perceive. You are free.
It is important to combine mindfulness of such tactics with a strong feeling of not being impressed or intimidated by them. Rather, continue to feel the love for all and the freedom that you have to choose your own state of being, and generate a reality out of that preferred state of being. Gravitate toward people who are also attuned to a more positive view of reality and an optimistic outcome.
There is a radical vortex of probabilities opened up at the moment and it has many different extensions, ‘arms’, timelines or directions into which you can slingshot yourself.
To put it simplistically: there is a David Icke version of Earth from this window of time onwards. There is a Q-Anon timeline or version of Earth. There is a deep state version or timeline. There is a Bashar or ET timeline. There is a Bentinho Massaro timeline. Maybe there’s even an Elvis Presley or Bruce Lee timeline still available; try it out and let us know the vibrational coordinates when you find these! ;)
And so on and so forth. Ultimately, whatever you choose to align the majority of your consciousness to will become your manifested timeline. Again I know this sounds so unrealistic and delusional to many of you, but it’s the truth. You just haven’t comprehended the mechanics of Consciousness and Creation yet to have any real or conscious context for this.
Be Mindful And Deliberate In How You Process Information
Watch what you choose to proliferate into the future and be mindful of how you process information.
Do you take it all in as solid truth? Or do you hold it lightly, extracting learning and benefit from whatever information you come across, but not falling prey to becoming a blind follower of any particular stream of information? Are you able to stay true to the highest vision that your inner being is always communicating to you?
I personally believe that David Icke’s view as expressed in this particular interview is a largely accurate representation or example of how things have operated on certain levels of our civilization up to this point, for the last few hundred or so years. By breaking down how ‘they’ think, he teaches you how to see through the psychological warfare tactics (mass hypnotism through media, government, food, education and entertainment) for yourself and how to be less dependent upon societal structures and media influence.
This is an important step for the sheep-like masses to begin to understand at this time. If you’re still skeptical of this and fear being ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist, you’ve got another thing coming. Better to wake up to the relative facts as soon as you can and begin to unplug yourself from the IV that you’ve willingly hooked yourself up to and start being hooked up to Source, your Soul, and your Calling.
In my opinion, we and our particular community are prepared and conscious beyond the basic mainstream level of awakening. We can choose a higher timeline without having to quantum leap as much as someone from the mainstream would have to in order to experience the same levels of bliss and unity consciousness in everyday life. It comes more effortlessly and automatically to us due to our deliberate work in consciousness over the years.
To illustrate the mechanics of parallel reality jumping a bit more: Consider someone whose consciousness is largely embedded in the mainstream consciousness, mainlined on what the government and media tells them is ‘reality’. They don’t question or wonder; they see the government and media like a 2-year-old child sees mommy and daddy.
Let’s say they watch the David Icke interview and are just beginning to wake up to the possibility that this may be the way things have been running in our version of this planet for the past many decades or so, from behind the scenes. And let’s say they want to fully experience the timeline I believe our particular group and those like us are on track to experience—which is of a significantly higher vibratory or more light-dense nature than average. To do so, they would have to dismantle their beliefs in a radical, sudden fashion, release their allegiance or dependence upon all of their conditioned memories, and somehow quantum leap into faith in a reality that is still largely invisible or hypothetical to them. This is improbable.
In contrast, we have already been creating and preparing in this way. So, for people at a level of consciousness similar to our own, it’s just a matter of continuing to stay anchored in our vision, intuition and excitement, and thus, our overall vibration or state of being. This will continue to attract the timeline we are most excited to be a part of. And we don’t need complete blind faith in some unseen reality, because we have already generated many elements of experience that are commensurate with our preferred reality; therefore less faith in an invisible reality is needed to continue to live in it and manifest it. Because our reality is already partially visible and tangible to us.
Hence: Don’t get swooped up by the David Icke timeline, whatever that may be, if that is not one that feels fully aligned to you, even if you use his information to educate yourself on certain matters and extract positive learning from it. Just use it to boost your logic and awareness of some potential relative facts and ruses so you are not fooled to follow in line with the rest of the sheep.
But vibrationally, stay fully anchored in the version of reality that is based on your love-filled, exciting vision of the potential of this planet and its people.
The Breaking Apart of Timelines
Parallel timelines or versions of Earth are beginning to break apart. A vortex of probabilities is currently active, which is somewhat analogous to, or could be visualized as, the graphic below. Roughly.
Each extended arm from this central consensus reality represents a different timeline in the making. You could visualize, for example, the existence of a version of Earth in each arm of this swirling image.
Over time (pun not intended), each timeline becomes more precise, specific, and strictly its own beam of perception, or as most people would call it: a reality. It is messy at the onset, as you can see in the picture above, and there is lots of bleed through from perceptions rooted in the other arms or timelines, but it soon crystallizes into a precise and cohesive pattern (see image below). The mess we currently find ourselves in is the temporary chaos that occurs when shifting from one crystallized reality to another.
My essential suggestion is: Choose/create the timeline you wish to be on and don’t be fooled by the appearance of there only being one reality. This is simply not the case. There are an infinite number of parallel realities, and several ‘main’ or ‘probable’ versions that the majority of our collective will split into. Your consciousness knows intrinsically how to shift realities; in fact it’s doing it all the time without you knowing about it.
The image above represents what the vortex of probabilities feels like/looks like now: messy, chaotic, unorganized and confusing. There is still some crossover between the different arms or timelines, as they have not yet fully crystallized themselves or separated themselves from each other. At least not to the point where one is no longer able to perceive the contents of another reality.
You can still perceive all kinds of realities around you, even though they are already essentially parallel to your own in terms of the vibration that they have their root in, and they aren’t quite reaching you at your core. Bashar describes this as being able to see a reality not fully commensurate with your own, but as if through a glass wall. You can see the manifestations of those alternate realities, but they don’t directly affect your experience. Like looking at an event through your window; an event that you can perceive but it is not happening inside of your own home.
This is kind of how I recommend you sift through the information and panic and chaos that you may read, see or hear about in this window of time. Remember and feel while you are perceiving certain things which you do not prefer and disagree with at a deep level, that just because you are perceiving some of the manifestations of such realities, that does not mean it’s actually the reality that you are on.
You are still free to choose elements of each of these visible, parallel timelines to see what you wish to manifest more fully for yourself; to determine which of the extending, crystallizing arms or timelines you wish to align to and become an observer of, or a participant in. This works more powerfully if you connect with like-minded souls who feel on a deep gut level that they are on a similar timeline and share the same intuitive vision for Earth as yourself. This will help anchor this vision into your reality in more visible ways sooner, and thus you need less reliance on your ability to have sheer faith in an invisible reality. It becomes easier to believe that what you feel in your heart of hearts is true or should be true, is indeed happening and manifesting.
To continue this visualization-analogy, the image below is what the vortex of spun-out realities will feel/look like in a few years to a couple of decades from now. Each version of Earth is fully established in its own trajectory or orbit, having accumulated its own details, information, agreements, parameters, participants (observers, entities), and so forth.
This becomes established to the degree that other parallel realities will begin to fade out of your view and everything you perceive will be commensurate with—a match to—your chosen vibratory state or level of consciousness:
If you compare this image with the previous one, you will see how the arms which experienced a lot of bleed through from other realities and therefore were not very clearly defined in their own shape, are now beams of their own; clearly distinct and separate from the other timelines.
Trains Departing From The Train Station — Analogy
Another way to visualize this, which I am borrowing from Bashar, is the idea of several trains departing from a train station, slowly accelerating on their own tracks.
Their tracks are initially close to one another and the trains are slow-moving, so you are able to see the people in the other trains and get a sense of what they are experiencing. You can even hop off of your current train and run over to another train if it seems more aligned to your desires.
But as your chosen train continues to accelerate along its own track or timeline, the other trains become more and more difficult to perceive, and you quickly lose the ability to easily jump out and run over to the other trains. At a certain point, you no longer even see other trains around you, and you become fully focused on the reality inside of your current train.
In a sense, each timeline will initially seem to be represented or led by a leader or leadership of sorts, simply because that is still how people choose to digest their information and manifest their collective realities at this time.
That’s why I loosely say there is a Bashar timeline, a David Icke timeline, a mainstream media timeline, etc. It’s symbolic rather than literal. It’s not that these individuals will be at the head of such realities or that they own or dictate in any way, shape or form these realities for others. Rather, they are the most visible representatives for the particular timeline they are attuned to, and are therefore passionately describing it (typically because they believe it’s the only true reality and feel compelled to inform others who don’t seem to be aware of what they think is ‘the reality’).
Some messengers are exceptions in that they have a conscious awareness of the fact that there are many parallel realities, and what they are proposing is simply for the benefit of those listening—without believing that the reality they are promoting is the only reality.
And so, when you listen to such a representative, you are unconsciously and to a degree consciously aligning to their vision of Earth, and you will anchor more fully into the timeline they perceive and are headed into. This is why it is so important to choose what you expose yourself to. And this is why media has been such a powerful agent in shaping our collective reality, using the inherent co-creative powers of human consciousness by feeding it ‘what is true’ and ‘what is acceptable versus what is to be avoided or ridiculed.’
Before you have mastered your ability to digest information according to your own free will and chosen vibratory state, it is important that you minimize exposing your senses to information that is heavily biased toward a certain reality that your heart does not desire; because you will unconsciously align all your co-creative powers toward that type of reality. You will in effect be working using all your energy to create a reality in accordance with someone else’s vision of Earth, without knowing it and without getting paid for it :-).
So you see, the media uses you. And you have been accepting it full heartedly; otherwise you wouldn’t have done it. Now use your creative powers to join like-hearted people in their conviction in a beautiful version of Earth, an enlightened version of humanity. Unplug from the livestock feeder you have become so dependent and trusting on, learn how to stand on your own psychological and spiritual feet, meditate, and attune yourself completely and radically to a higher vision that lives in the hearts of many human beings; they are calling for it, and you can join them, show them, lead them, and strengthen the creation of such a timeline.
All Beliefs Are True
You see, ultimately all of these representatives will be proven right to a large degree in their own predictions if they continue to hang on to their perception of reality. Which does not mean that contradicting predictions made by other thought leaders or representatives were not also accurate even when these events did not seem to happen in another timeline.
Such is the nature of universal free will, the law of attraction and the existence of parallel realities or timelines. All beliefs are relatively speaking, at least to some degree, true or accurate and they will prove themselves true in some way shape or form. So it’s not about what is true or false, but rather it is about what you prefer over what you don’t prefer. What you wish to feed energy and what you wish to starve out of your experience.
It’s also a testament to the infinite creative capacity of our Infinite Creator, or Existence as it operates through our channels of consciousness and produces such perceptions, or ‘experiential realities.’ All is allowed. You Create Your Own Reality.
Again, none of these thought leaders own any of these paradigms, but their narratives are activating the innate co-creative powers inherent in mankind’s consciousness. Thus, people will follow the reality stream/timeline they are most aligned to, and will eventually manifest a fully ‘independent’ parallel version of reality commensurate with their expectations and vibratory state of being.
I personally don’t completely resonate with David Icke’s subliminal projection of the future, based on what I saw so far, although I do appreciate his willingness to inform and awaken people from their dependence on less-than-ideal leaders. To wake people up to their sleepy complacency and how they are being used by their own free will, seemingly against their own free will (we have agreed to stay asleep and dependent). This is the first step in awakening for many people currently still hooked up to the live stock feeder, or IV, provided by your loving media and governments or shadow governmental projects and organizations.
The picture of reality and the future expectation that this interview almost inevitably paints feels much heavier or negative than my own foreseen timeline of Earth, and mainly for this reason, I caution viewers to be aware of how they choose what to believe. I still generally recommend watching the interview, but with a disclaimer, which is basically this article. And this same disclaimer applies to everything you watch, I’m just using this excellent, albeit somewhat negatively focused interview.
All this being said, I haven't seen the last hour of the interview yet, so my assesment may not be 100% fair or complete, as I have heard that this last part is much more in harmony with what people like myself have been sensing and creating or aligning to.
So without having seen it, I would suggest that if you do watch the interview, you watch it all the way through to the end to make sure you end on the positive, uplifting note and vision—and keep in mind and stay aware of everything I have shared here.
Be aware of how you digest and process the information, and of when you choose to believe something or paint a picture in your mind of a potential future. If it is negative, shift it to a positive conviction and image. Reconnect to your heart.
Each arm or timeline of this outwards spiraling vortex is created kind of like this:
The white bird signifies a thought-leader representing a particular narrative or version of Earth and its potential, and the followers are those agreeing to that reality by aligning to the thought leader’s information and view—and effectively co-creating that narrative.
Jumping Timelines or Parallel Realities
Someone in the group asked the question: Can we jump between timelines?
We currently do this all the time in unseen ways, because some of the realities are still close enough to one another that we have the ability to ‘bump into’ them or see them as if from a distance. If we become too engaged or focused on these perspectives, we will move closer and closer to that reality (law of attraction will draw it to us), and our perception of these events and narratives will begin to feel closer and closer to our actual direct experience. Like inviting an event or stranger into your home, rather than looking them jog by on the street outside your window.
Due to the somewhat unique nature of timelines splitting up during the ascension or ‘energization window’ in which I believe our solar system presently finds itself, these realities will move further and further apart from one another, as if ripped apart, over the course of months, years, etc. It will become more and more difficult to see the effects or manifestations of the other timelines, just like you are presently unaware of timelines that are already too far removed from your own vibratory state of consciousness and what you expect to see as ‘real’. There are an infinite number of events and realities currently co-existing in the eternal Now, of which you are not at all aware because you are attuned to the vibration and manifestation that you perceive and expect to see.
So effectively, the ability to unconsciously, or non-deliberately, jump significantly distinct timelines will become less and less probable, simply because you are becoming more and more slung into the orbit of a reality commensurate with your consciousness’ expectations. Evidence of other options will begin to disappear from view more and more.
A few years from now, for example, a significant, conscious leap, backed with great conviction and a large dose of faith in something invisible would be needed to shift the version of the Earth one is experiencing as their own.
The less the elements or manifestations of a parallel reality are perceivable to you, the less data you have to consciously choose from, and so you’d need a leap of faith in the invisible potential of a reality of your preference in order to make a significantly distinct parallel timeline visible to you.
This is possible, but since most people are always focused on their circumstances (and one’s consciousness and vibration takes on the shape of what one is looking at and has already manifested), they therefore repeat similar patterns for a long time and change comes slowly. They have not yet discovered the ability to truly turn their attention within, realize the power and freedom of their own consciousness, and shift their awareness into an altogether different timeline in a more deliberate way.
As a result of not knowing this ability very well, a quantum leap between very distinct parallel versions of Earth past this ‘energization window’ or intersection of opportunity, is not probable for most. Unless they begin to train themselves in the ways of consciousness directly.
And thus, this window of timelines splitting apart is most valuable, since you are still given many elements from different timelines, almost like colors on a painter’s palette, to choose from and to decide which reality your true inner being or heart prefers. Right now it’s still relatively easy to choose between them because several of the main, or most probable, timelines are still visible to you in your current timeline. But that window is quite rapidly closing.
From a vibrational perspective, in my opinion this year represents a closing of a certain range of probable options of sorts. Our collective is effectively splitting up into different collectives, each with their own distinct manifest reality.
Choosing now is important and should be done with as much joy and belief in one’s own capacity to do so as possible. I have announced or predicted this window several times over the past five years, and I hope those who listened already began making their choices a while ago, so that the present state of affairs is not as confusing to them as it is to most, and the ability to shift and choose comes easily.
But to the fully conscious and trained adept of the power of consciousness, quantum leaping is ever possible and one is less dependent upon the timeline one finds oneself surrounded by. In truth, one is never stuck in any particular reality; one only chooses to stay there.
Notice When You Are Feeling Heavy — Meditate and Have Faith Instead
Not to out anyone personally, but here is a good example for everyone to learn from: I have felt from a person in our group (name withheld) the tendency to worry about the state of the world, and when he exposes himself to information like this interview, or the Q-Anon material, it slows down his vibration. He starts researching all kinds of information, but with a sense of neediness or hope for solutions within an already chosen, essentially self-generated problem-drenched timeline. This is a liability of sorts, and an unconscious or only partially conscious—and still somewhat disempowered—approach to choosing one’s preferred timeline and vibrating in correspondence with it.
And others in the group do this too in their own ways. They lose their own ground or high-level playing field because they are exposed to negative information. They then generate the heavy sense that there is one ‘real’ reality out there to which they are a slave or victim to, inside of which one has to ‘cope’ and ‘figure things out’. You can tell when you are doing this by the way you feel when you consider ‘reality.’ Do you feel excited about the reality you believe is out there? If not, your heart and soul is messaging you that you are not focused on the ideal timeline or reality for your journey. If you feel depressed thinking about the world, it means you believe there is a solid, single version of the world out there, and that you are forced to align to its reality.
This makes you feel heavy, because it’s not true or aligned to what’s possible for you. Instead, meditate, detach from the belief in one solid reality, and begin to trust in your heart’s vision and excitement for the fact that everything is possible and that there are many, infinite, beautiful parallel timelines of Earth that you can begin to shift into by having faith in your gut feeling of their existence. Stay focused on what your heart truly prefers, and you will begin to see evidence of it manifest more and more.
But you see, worrying about the state of the world means you’ve already chosen that world as your own! So who are you blaming or trying to fight? You are fighting only with what you have already chosen; you are fighting yourself, your own choice. Ultimately, there is no enemy to your free will. Not ultimately. I know it seems this way in so many regards, but it is ultimately all by choice. Even unconsciousness in many ways is a choice.
Those anchored in such timelines will see this approach as delusional, precisely because they believe the world is a real, fixed, solid reality. But the enlightened ones know there is no such thing. It is all a sequence of self-chosen illusions or a series of perceptions within consciousness. And the perceptions always change when the entity changes their state of consciousness, their convictions, their beliefs, and especially when they begin to consciously and deliberately utilize the powers innate in their very own awareness.
And so it requires a decent level of enlightenment to be able to be informed by something like the David Icke interview—which I feel excited about personally and think it’s great information overall as far as it can go—and yet not believe in the world this informs you about or suggests is real. This is a paradox that requires a certain level of mastery over one’s own consciousness and free will in order to do effectively, and since most people don’t have this mastery yet, I feel the desire to remind you of the principles I have laid out in this message, so you can be selective with what streams of information you expose yourself to.
The key is to take what truly resonates, acknowledge but leave out of your home that which does not resonate with your heart, and add what is uniquely your own desire and intuition, and begin to radiate from that place of vision and conviction. All else will follow suit.
Stay powerful within your own beingness. Stay alert and do not be distracted by smoke and mirrors of other realities and other agendas. Keep your heart wide-open and full of love and faith, even while staying alert to not falling prey to misinformation, deceit, or deployed ruses.
This is your right, your power and your freedom. I hope you all choose to align your vibrations to the vision of Earth that resonates most deeply for you. Believe in the version of Earth you want to grow old in, and that you would want to bring your children into. In fact, focus on the version of Earth you would want to see for all living beings!
All that we perceive as being ‘manifested’ or ‘real’ is vibrationally chosen first. Choose the highest for everyone by tuning your own attention to this inner reality first. This is how all things are created in the first place, so why not be the creator instead of a slave or consumer by your own choice?
Remember: Meditate. Silence all information frequently, and turn your consciousness within. Begin to listen to the preferred reality and timeline that your Inner Being or Higher Self is ever guiding you toward. Pay less attention to what others say, and more attention to what your Inner Being is whispering into your heart on a second to second basis. Its vision and power never abandons you. You just need to learn to become quiet and listen more frequently.
I hope this helps, my friends. My condition-free love is ever with you, being beamed toward you. Your own infinite potential radiates into your consciousnesses from within like an inexhaustible sun of endless love, light and benefit. May you turn more frequently within, silence all external and mental information, and receive directly the guidance and clarity that is already available within your ever-present, true Self.
Bentinho Massaro