Unifying the Awakened Ones in Service to the World (St Thomas Retreat Theme)

This retreat will connect the dots, revealing a new type of unified spirituality--one that is lead by those at the cutting-edge of an awakening humanity. We, who are already awake and empowered, will come together in this blissful retreat setting--with the ocean as our great nourisher and the Sun as our encouraging witness--to further awaken and empower ourselves and each other, as we envision into existence the unification of the awakened ones in service to the world. 

We will form the beginning of a new and dynamic democracy, and we as its leaders will become the humble light-bringers who help humanity to remember who it is, while we represent its highest outcome.

This retreat is two-fold: On the one hand, we will focus on the very nature of bliss itself, and examine how we can swim more powerfully and vibrantly--with fewer restraints and hesitations--in the abundant ecstasy of the omnipresent One Infinite Creator.  We will deepen our ability to saturate ourselves with bliss at will, so that we may be better able to abundantly and honestly manifest our own dreams into physical reality.  

On the other hand, we will come together to powerfully weave the golden threads of enlightenment, empowerment, cosmic disclosure and service-to-others oriented "wisdom-in-action" together, into a geometrically unified canvas of an awakened global community. 

We will form a bond so strong and so accurate in its perception of Creation and the forces at play, that we will become a force of light that knows no aggression and greatly diminished delusion, yet carries with it an incorruptible passion for the truth to be known by the people of Earth. We will fight--without ever lifting a finger--for the beauty that we know is the human potential and for the healing and acceleration of this Earth, ushering in a fully realized Fourth Density civilization/planet for All.

Infinite co-creators, it is time to leave our differences behind and form a web so strong that it becomes impenetrable by those who would like to keep humanity asleep for their own entertainment. 

Let us wash over this planet of ignorance with a clarity in our hearts that will cleanse this world of its delusions and spoon-fed sedatives. Let us become a black hole in the fabric of this man-made matrix of slavery; let us become a tear in the veil of the illusion of separation and victimization; and above all, let us march steadily onwards as a unified community of blissful creators--with humility, confidence and love ever present in our hearts--so that we may continue to accelerate the transformation of this planet into its purest form. Together we CAN do this.

Join me, if you are ready, and help me unify the awakened ones around the world while clarifying our duties. 

In addition to Bentinho's powerfully guided sessions, we will hold workshops at this retreat that will give you the ability to contribute your ideas and visions; to add your vibrational influence to the forming of an Enlightened Alliance for Global Awakening

Standing together, we will tilt this planet into alignment and overwhelm its surface with a heavenly sphere that will benefit all, regardless of their karma. All are forgiven, and all deserve the option of an Enlightened Civilization to call "home."


If you are interested in being an integral part of this movement, consider escaping the winter and joining us physically in the Caribbean this January 5-10. What a perfect and honorable way to start 2017 off: with undiluted clarity for ourselves, and an undying commitment to the benefit of All.

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