Bahamas Interview Part 5: The Finer Aspects of Shepherding Consciousness
Bahamas, March 2016 - Bentinho Massaro interviewed by Cory Katuna.
Part 5: The Finer Aspects of Shepherding Consciousness
“Shepherding Consciousness” is a term I reserve for the utmost balanced consciousness or being; it doesn’t just refer to “people who want to serve.” There are tons of people who want to serve, but I reserve this term for a consciousness or an individual who has developed themselves sufficiently enough to where they are so emptied out of personal self and bias that they can actually be sensitive to what is relevant for another person. Only in that state of emptiness and clarity and intuitiveness can you truly be of service without imposing your own beliefs upon the situation.
Many teachers and healers are working with this at their own edge. They are playing with, “Okay, am I allowed to heal this person? If so, how much?” There are many people practicing this. With Shepherding Consciousness, if we are talking about it being close to the ultimate that a human being can achieve, there is a fine balance to be maintained.
First of all, there must be an acceptance of the fact that people are at where they are at. The sort of egoic or eager, youthful sense of, “I want to change the world!” or “I want to save this person!” or “I want to heal this person!” is no longer driven by personal bias. It is understood that everything is essentially perfect, and even that which seems to be out of alignment is in service to the journey of the individual you are engaging with.
You have to have a whole picture of the being that you are interacting with; a holistic view of their journey. You can’t come from the place of “Hey, you seem to be crippled—let me help you out.” You need to understand why are they crippled. Is it still serving them to be crippled? Are they crippled because they have out of alignment beliefs? Are they crippled because they used to have out of alignment beliefs, but now that they are used to being crippled, they have beliefs that they are crippled, which continue the experience of being crippled when they no longer need to be crippled. Do they still continue to need to be crippled? Have they extracted all the learning from that experience? And so on.
You need to be very sensitive about this, without communicating it verbally, per se. You must be sensitive to someone’s field in order to understand where they are at in their journey, so that you know exactly what you can offer—at what time you can offer it and how you can offer it. It’s always on a case by case basis, and it requires the utmost sensitivity. Most of all, it requires someone to have gone through a lot of experience around being willing and devoted to be of the utmost service, without including personal bias in that experience. There must be an emptiness of self in order to be a fully reflective mirror that is able to have that Shepherding Consciousness. It is definitely not about showing off or ripping roofs off of houses. That’s the “youthful” version of Shepherding Consciousness, but over time, you learn that it’s not the best thing to do.
Matthias: Is it the same when delivering truth to people?
Bentinho: Absolutely. The same thing applies when to delivering truth to people—spiritual instruction. That’s why every retreat is different; it depends on the crowd. When there are a lot of new people coming to my retreat, I feel personally less permitted to go in-depth. On the other hand, if I’m doing an interview like this, which is then posted on YouTube, each person can be guided to it individually as their Higher Mind pleases to guide them. It gives me much more freedom to go in-depth because it is up to the person to either listen or not.
If people come to my retreat and they have a certain expectation of, “He is going to teach me how to manifest this house I desire” or “He is going to teach me how to achieve peace of mind,” then I’m not allowed to go as deep, and therefore, it’s more of a generic, basic retreat. But if the retreat consists of perhaps fewer people, or people who have gone through Trinfinity Academy’s lessons and who are more mature in my teachings, or if they have followed me for a long time—if this is the majority of people who are part of that retreat, then there is sort of a “collective voting” happening, and the vote is for, “Let’s take this to the next level.” When I feel that collective vote from the people I’m interacting with, and since it’s a closed environment, then we can take it much further, because I feel I have that “permission.” It works that way with groups, and it works that way with the entire collective, as well.
This also applies to some of the projects we are working on at Trinfinity. We have to be sensitive as to the timing of when to do certain things, when to engage, and when to release certain products. It’s all plugged into the collective as One Being, gradually evolving (rapidly, but gradually). A lot of sensitivity is involved. It’s not just, “Oh, I have a great idea, let’s do this!” Instead, it’s a process. It requires a holistic view to execute an idea successfully, to the point where it expands what is possible and can also be integrated by the people you are serving. To have that patience and balance requires a lot of emptying out of your personal biases.