Bahamas Interview Part 4: Miracles and Non-Infringement upon Free Will
Bahamas, March 2016 - Bentinho Massaro interviewed by Cory Katuna.
Part 4: Miracles and Non-Infringement upon Free Will
Cory: How do you know when you have permission to heal someone or to perform miracles?
Bentinho: When Jesus performed miracles and did healing, it was a very different time—not everything was documented, not everything was so public. There was more allowance. Every time period and every culture on this Earth is different, with a different sub-collective, with slightly different agreements as to what is possible, what is mystery, what is a sign of God.
Let’s say you are part of a culture where everyone understands that miracles are totally possible, but they attribute everything to some entity called “God.” Now, if some person comes along—someone along the lines of Jesus—he is understood to be the “spokesperson” for God, and on behalf of that entity, he can channel information. In this case, it makes sense if that person comes across someone who is crippled and he moves his hand and commands, “In the name of God, you are now healed!” It fits with the collective consciousness to do so, and so that healing would actually stick. It would most likely be permanent because the person has the belief system in place to have this experience, and he or she can file this information appropriately so that it integrates. They attribute it to “God,” so they feel “permitted” to be healed.
A culture like that has the required belief system in place to understand an experience like that without it blowing their minds, because they attribute it to something they understand, or at least they think they understand. They have a concept of “God,” and “God does miraculous things all of the time.” We can take this back even further to when there were a lot of UFO sightings or visitations or those kinds of experiences. For example, the Mayan culture would not be very surprised to see a light in the sky or something like that.
Miracles depend on the culture and what the people have experienced; what they have agreed to experience as “normal.” Even if it’s less normal than hunting, it is still within their paradigm of what’s possible. When something like a miracle is performed, or when they see a light in the sky, or when someone is healed, as long as they have the understanding of that being possible—and their sub-collective consciousness agrees that it’s a possible reality—then that reality sticks. Then, healing is not temporary, it’s not just pasting a Bandaid on something that hurts. It is actually addressing the cause of the malady and altering that reality. It sticks with them because they understand and believe that it’s possible.
Miracles are not about blowing people’s minds against their free will; they should not infringe upon what you could call “The Law of Confusion,” which needs to be upheld. In this present-day civilization, where there are iPhones recording everything all the time, and everything instantly gets uploaded to YouTube, it seems like there is more freedom to explore things. But at the same time, there is actually less freedom to do the abnormal, because as soon as the abnormal is performed or is executed, it has more of a probability of infringing upon the collective agreements. If people aren’t ready to accept that these things are possible, then these things are not allowed to be shown in that way.
Experiences like healing can only happen on a case-by-case basis, in private, when nothing is being recorded, and when that person already has belief systems in place that allow for the experience. That’s why every healer or teacher has a very different experience, depending on the person they are working with—you are literally working with the belief systems that person has in place and the theme that is relevant for them to explore.
So, it’s never generic. You can never generalize the experience of healing or performing miracles; it’s always on a case-by-case basis. It requires the utmost sensitivity to be able to tune into what is possible in the moment, or rather, what will not infringe upon The Law of Confusion, or free will.
We can only un-confuse people by offering an example of how we can live within the parameters of what they understand is possible, and we can stretch that a little bit at a time. But if we go too far beyond that paradigm too suddenly, it will not be integrated. Instead, it will be disintegrated and chaotic, and it will not serve their journey as much as it could when it is done gently or gradually. We can stretch the boundaries of The Law of Confusion, but we are not allowed to infringe upon it by saying, “Hey, let me show you what’s possible—you can do this and you can do that.” It wouldn’t make sense to people’s journeys.
So again, it is always on a case-by-case basis. You sense into it based on the sensitivity of the field. If you bring your feeling-state into the field that connects all of the objects within the field, you will find that you can pick up on vibrations and discern what is relevant and what is not relevant for someone, what is serving them and what is not serving them, what would push them to the limit, and when you should take some of the pressure off. It’s a very delicate, case-by-case matter; there is no guidebook for it.